Saturday, November 21, 2009

Character Design

For my Animation class we have to make a stop-motion based on a story the teacher gave us.
It must have 2 characters... briefly, the story is: one is eating, the other one distracts him and gets his food, the first one gets angry and hits him and manages to get the food back.

The idea is to work on the expressions and in the animation itself, and not so much about extending the story.
We are going to have a king and a jester :)
Here are the character designs that I did, for my group to work on (we are now in the process of building the puppets, so more on that later!)

The first sketch for the king

More sketches for the king: expressions, chewing...

Adding the jester

Sizes, interaction

it's easier to draw than to make that in stopmotion!

testing colours (not the final ones)

First sculptures of the heads

changing the nose...

more on the noses, and aproaching the final designs

sitting at the table

final jester in a standing position and with the final size, so that we can measure it and build the armature
(actually we altered a little bit these drawings after)

and final king:


  1. Ahah xD brutal!! preferia o nariz anterior!

    cmk fazes os bonecos tao perfeitos? Especialmente o Rei! :o

  2. Nunca deixo de me surpreender !!!
    Parabéns, linda :)

  3. lol, obrigada pelos comentários!
    Sim, também preferia o anterior, mas somos um grupo e decidiram q preferiam narizes mais diferentes, para diferenciar ainda mais as personagens...
    Os bonecos foi por tentativa e erro... já não é a primeira vez q faço bonecada com fimo, por isso não foi assim tao dificil... agr já fiz a cara do boneco final, baseada no último desenho... correu bem, agr dps veremos se é fácil de animar ou não :S

  4. oh my...! they're awesome!!!! :O

    adorei!! particularmente o rei :D
    e tem td akele ar profissional cmo knd se vê os making of dos filmes de animação! :D


  5. aww as esculturas tão mesmo fofinhas!! ahhh também quero uma xD e gosto mesmo muito do bobo no desenho com as 2 posições (frontal e lateral)
    Bom trabalho minha menina! Espero ansiosa pelo resultado final ;)
    Boa sorte**

  6. eu já vi o boneco do rei! eu vi! eu vi! E queria foto no blog para ver outra vez, está espectacular!!! :D

  7. the final concepts are so funny!
    the jester is about to fall forwards, and the king looks like an Impostor Butcher who sliced the real king and is now replacing him. The real one was fed to the nobles in the famous "Royal Pie" (with royal ingredients inside) >:D
