Friday, September 18, 2009

My animation class!

The teacher asked us to write our names in the board and draw a little caricature next to it, so he could memorize who we are.
In the meantime, all the other classmates drew as well, for us to know their names...
Everything is finally starting!!! I can't wait to learn the basics of stop-motion animation, like making a puppet, the sets, and learning how to move it...


  1. Gostei. Tu e o Mark são os mais bonitos, mas gostava era de ver uma foto do Csaba em que as orelhas fossem bem visíveis.:))))

  2. Ah, é verdade, esqueci-me de dizer: o professor é o do canto superior esquerdo (o feri)!!

  3. 'Tás igualzinha, com as bochechas a taparem os olhos XD.
