Tuesday, July 28, 2009


You can see I was with my parents in the first days... the dinner was always in Blue Cafe, at the mall, and we were able to eat strange Hungarian food (at least I think it was!) in impeccably arranged dishes.

Mom's plate: Kemencében, sajttal pirult tagliatelle prosciutto-val
(Tagliatelle with prosciutto and cheese, fresh from the oven)

I'm glad they had the translation in english, lol, otherwise it would be reaaaally risky to order something...

My plate: Vegetarian dish (didn't have hungarian name...)
(Poached camambert, cheese cake, grilled corn in herb butter, roasted baby carrots, served with rice with dried tomatoes.)

Borsodi Bivaly + Friss lecsó vasserpenyoben vagy tojással
(Fresh vegetable stew made in an iron pan with sausage and egg)

I must say they were all really good... we came back the next day ;)


  1. Hey, parece bom! Mas neste momento estou cheio, não me apetece pensar em comida. :P

  2. tem td mesmo bom ar (nhamy!!) :D

    particularmente os dos teus pais, o teu parece mais uma mistura de cousas, tipo slada russa de diversos alimentos em vez de diversos ingredientes lol


  3. Nhamyy! tem bom aspecto! O teu prato parece-me vegetariano de mais :P mas o dos teus pais... Come por nós!!! Alimenta-te, filha! :P

