Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Food!

Food from the second day, at the same restaurant... everything was delicious, but I think I started to get a little bit fed up of all the cheese...(no offense, Martinha!) I don't think there was one meal, so far, that didn't have cheese!

Mom's plate: Keméncében sult, toltott tortilla - pirított zoldségek, garnélarák, parmezánmártás.
( Tortillas baked in oven stuffed with roasted vegetables, shrimps, and Parmesan cheese sauce)

Dad's plate: Cézar saláta píritott csirkemell kockákkal
(Caesar salad with grated chicken breast cubes)

My plate: Rukkolás rizottó csirkemellkockákkal, pirított fenyomaggal, parmezánforgáccsal.
(Risotto with ruccola and chicken breast cubes, roasted pine seeds with ground Parmesan cheese)


  1. Estou a adorar, afinal contas mt coisas giras. HiHi
    Acho estes pratos + apetitosos do que os outros, pelo menos + bonitos :)))

  2. Parece tudo tão bom :P. Sortuda.

  3. Realmente os pratos deste restaurante tinham sempre um aspecto impecável ;)
