Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jó reggelt!

Welcome to my Erasmus experience Blog, where I'll be sending postcards from Hungary to all my family and friends.
I am a Communication Design Student at FBAUP (in Porto, Portugal) and I am going to study animation at MOME (in Budapest, Hungary) for at least one semester, starting in September.

"September? What the hell are you doing there now, then?"
Right now I'm waiting for my hungarian classes to begin... these will take place at the Balassi Institute, where I am currently living. The course lasts for a month, and this will actually be my first *real* experience living away from my parents house... (yep, this means I don't usually cook, and that I have never done my laundry... this ought to be fun to watch, lol)

So, to all of you interested out there, I'll be posting some images and a few comments (don't expect too much writing, though) on how I'm doing here, and how it is to live in a new country, where I don't understand a thing of what people say on the street!

Wish me luck!

*Carolina Búzio

p.s.: "Jó reggelt" means "good morning" the first word I learned by myself, and "A nevem Carolina" means "My name is Carolina"!


  1. Hehe, fomos os primeiros a comentar!


    Nuno e Mariana

  2. Droga...só fui a 2ª :P
    Vai correr tudo bem. Tu és a tua PRÓPRIA SORTE, HI HI

  3. AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Tás na Hungriaaaaa!!!! xD

    Beijinho!!! :D

  4. Cuidado com as molas das suspensões! :S

  5. Queremos fotos! e relatos! que tal o primeiro dia do curso?

  6. lol
    já tou a ver k foste pa Budapest so para te tornares uma mulher e fugir aos papás!! xD

    vamos sentir falta da menina das boxexas k tapam os olhos, quando ri x)

    beijinho buzioo *

  7. Já estamos com muitas saudades tuas!!!
    (não te esqueças do meu p.s.!)

    Beijos grandes**

  8. estamos pois!!! :)

    Não te esqueças de averiguar a culinária local! :P

    Muitos Beijinhos!
    :D Marys'

  9. td o keles disseram mais o keu disser , ké mais ó mens o keles disseram!! :D

    beijos munina!!!
