Friday, October 9, 2009


A topic from Illustration Friday, a website that delivers a new topic every friday... I've always wanted to make it a habit because it's good for practicing, but I never had the time. Well, I kind of had a little bit this week, so I drew this today. I'll try to make these speed (it took about one hour to do) illustrations a habit, just to keep me exploring and trying to be faster... I hope I can deliver one each week! (you'll be here as witnesses and to complain when I don't ;))

ps: I used handmade stamps for the germs, and Photoshop for the dog.


  1. LOOL, tá tão fofo! (yucky mas fofo :P)

  2. Ohh tão fofinho ^______^! Gosto sobretudo das "moléculas" que o cãozinho está a lamber xD
    Não perdeste o jeito como seria de esperar ;)

  3. I love this illustration. I also lack the time and also dream of being able to participate every week. I'm not there yet.
    The dog would also make at brilliant stamp :-D.
