Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some place to call my own?

I have officially started looking for a flat. I have 2 weeks and a half to accomplish it!
Wish me luck!


  1. I wish you good luck in finding a good apartment! (...and in finding a good price too...)

  2. LOOOL @ "Manuel"/Dad's comment ;)

    I wish you luck! Are you looking for a flat with some roomies from the hungarian language course? or by yourself? Have you tryed the "Erasmus Student Network" for help?

  3. Good luck!!!
    Que bom, finalmente um sítio para receber visitas...He He He

  4. I'm looking with 3 more roomies... and I have tryed the erasmus students network, but I'm not sure it will be helpful. I sent them an e-mail about flats, let's see what they say. in the meantime, each one of us is looking for a flat with 4 bedrooms, but these seem to be quite rare... let's see.
